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Agency Nation Meets: Indy

Indy is the mascot for Trusted Choice® and is always super egg-cited to help spread the word about the benefits of working with independent insurance agents.
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agency nation meets: indy

Get to know the individuals that ignite the insurance industry as they answer our icebreaker questions. 

Indy is the mascot for Trusted Choice® and is super egg-cited to be here helping spread the word about how great independent insurance agents are. At 21 years old, Indy is ready to skydive right into life with an unwavering curiosity about how all things work, with a focus on helping people understand why insurance is so important.

You'll most likely find Indy online, providing helpful safety tips and information about insurance. An eagle who always has an upbeat, positive attitude about life, Indy is looking forward to exploring life and seeing what an aerial daredevil can get into in the next few years.

Indy, thanks for flying by. This is a first for us. We've never interviewed a bird before. Can you break the ice and tell us a joke?
What do you call a bird that's afraid to fly?
A chicken!

Ha! We feel better now ... and, speaking of chicken, slightly hungry. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mhmm, geckos, definitely!

So, if you had to do karaoke, what song would you sing?
“Fly Like an Eagle" by Steve Miller Band.

I guess the harmonies in “Take It Easy" are a little outside your range, no shame in that. What three items are always in your handbag?
Well, I don't have a handbag as it would get in the way of flying, but I do have a backpack! I keep sunglasses, sunscreen for my beak and the Trusted Choice Hard Market Toolkit to share with agents.

And what three items would you take to a desert island?
If I'm near water, I'm gonna need a jet ski. If I've got my jet ski, I'm gonna need to have my watercraft insurance policy printed—and probably laminated because of the water. And third, 1,000 bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

What film have you watched the most times and will probably keep watching over and over again?
“The Birds," directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Spooky! Do you have any fears or phobias?
Heights are no problem, but tight spaces? No, thank you. Also, I have a fear of going bald. Like my dad used to say, just because you are an eagle doesn't mean you have to be a bald eagle!

Who has had the biggest influence on your professional career?
My parents started their own insurance agency and seeing them work hard to provide for the nest has been really inspirational for me to do the same.

So, what one piece of advice would you give to your great-grandchildren?
Living your life to its fullest can mean multiple things; it doesn't always mean staying in the nest. Going out and experiencing new things can be risky, but risk can sometimes be mitigated with the right coverage!

Where would you go during a zombie apocalypse?
I'd probably have to go back home to the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., and hunker down in my parents' nest high up in the treetops, leaving those zombies on the ground!

What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
A few years ago, when I was still a new driver I got into an accident and found out I had let my insurance expire. If only I had gotten coverage through an independent agent, this could have been avoided!

What's the strangest tradition in your family?
You've heard of a talent show, right? My family does a talon show. It's where we see who has the sharpest talons and can catch the most fish.

Lastly, what's the most-used emoji on your phone?
The eagle emoji! I love flying high and encouraging my fellow independent agents to do the same!

Thanks, Indy! Keep flying high, tooand stay safe!

This is a monthly column for Independent Agent magazine and To be featured, email

Monday, January 13, 2025
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