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Going Up: 5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Agency's Sales

It’s the time of year when resolutions abound. Some are realistic, others not so much. But with these five steps to improve your agency’s sales, the Big “I” has your back.
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If you do these five things, you will sell more insurance—period. Sound too good to be true?

It’s the time of year when resolutions abound. Some are realistic, others not so much. But with these five steps to improve your agency’s sales, the Big “I” has your back.

1) Market the value of your local presence. Trusted Choice®, the cobrand for independent insurance agents, is designed to amplify your local marketing and highlight the value independent insurance agents bring to consumers.

Insurance customers should know their agents. That’s why Trusted Choice launched the “I Am” campaign—to help independent agents show their clients a more personal side of insurance.

Complete with print ads, digital graphics and videos, the campaign enables you to provide a snapshot of who you are and how your local presence benefits your clients—from being active in your community to being there when your clients need it most.

Agents can customize each advertising element with photo and agency information to make the ads your own. View the campaign and order customized elements online.

Whether it’s with the “I Am” campaign or another marketing initiative, use the Trusted Choice logo as a cobrand on your website, collateral materials, social media and in your office to complement your local brand and help build the awareness of Trusted Choice independent insurance agents.

2) Get a free review of your agency’s digital presence. It can be difficult for a busy independent insurance agency to keep up with digital marketing and advertising trends—which is why Trusted Choice created the digital review program.

The review, which is included in your Big “I” membership at no extra charge, offers in-depth and personalized insight on the strengths and weaknesses of your agency’s current website and social media platforms.

The faster and more user-friendly your website, the more users can view and interact with its content. The stronger your digital marketing presence, the more consumers will recognize your brand and be able to distinguish your agency from the competition. A Trusted Choice digital review can help take your agency’s online marketing game to the next level.

With a Trusted Choice digital review, your agency receives:

  • A scored digital review of your agency’s website.
  • A written guide explaining your website score and recommendations to enhance it.
  • A personalized review of your agency’s social media platforms, with quality recommendations for boosting following and user interaction.
  • Best practices for establishing and maintaining agency website and social media platforms.

You can also set up a one-on-one consultation with a Trusted Choice staffer to review your agency’s digital presence and receive feedback on new marketing ideas and campaigns you may be looking to implement.

3) Upgrade your agency profile on a leading insurance shopping website. Are you leveraging your agency’s profile on TrustedChoice.com? As the nation’s leading consumer marketing platform that connects online insurance buyers to independent agents like you, TrustedChoice.com has grown to become one of the country’s leading insurance shopping websites.

TrustedChoice.com attracts more than half a million visitors per month—that translates into 6 million insurance shoppers per year, half personal lines, half commercial lines. And all that volume represents new business opportunities directed exclusively to participating Trusted Choice independent insurance agencies.

As the largest and most recognized online directory of independent insurance agents and brokers in the country, TrustedChoice.com attracts attention from search engines like Google, which crawl TrustedChoice.com frequently to index every agency directory listing—and, in turn, every linked agency website. If you want customers to find you online, at a minimum, your agency needs to be accurately listed on TrustedChoice.com.

To confirm your agency’s profile information is correct, visit TrustedChoice.com’s directory listing. Next, choose your state and select your agency name from the list. If the information is incorrect or you would like to become a recommended agency, contact the TrustedChoice.com team at 852-372-0075.

4) Leverage online referrals for more of the type of business you want to write. For less than the cost of a business card-sized ad in the Yellow Pages, your agency can become a TrustedChoice.com Advantage subscriber and receive a premium listing on the largest online directory of independent agents.

TrustedChoice.com offers multiple Advantage subscription options, all designed to help you define the geography where you want to target your marketing efforts and focus on the specific types of business you want to write:

  • The Advantage Essential subscription is the entry point for increasing your visibility and building credibility. When consumers search for agencies that offer the coverages and services they want, they will find your agency at the top of the list. As consumers learn more about your agency, they understand why you best fit their needs and reach out.
  • The Advantage Professional subscription provides the more growth-oriented agency with a marketing territory that is four times larger than a regular profile. Advantage Pro also enables more proactive, sales-focused agencies to actually “claim” exclusive prospects who are having difficulty choosing an independent agent [see sidebar].
  • The Advantage Enterprise subscription is a fully customizable marketing package that gives participating agents the ability to offer their services on a statewide, regional or even national basis. Enterprise was designed to enable agents with specialized niche programs to find, attract and write those accounts.

Actively participating in TrustedChoice.com at one of the Advantage levels provides your agency with more and better opportunities to write tomorrow’s new business. Visit TrustedChoice.com to select the Advantage package that fits your agency.

5) Conquer your marketing content. Effective marketing requires content. And producing searchable and enjoyable content requires time—time you could be spending on growing your book of business.

Trusted Choice can help you reclaim that time and focus through an expanded catalog of articles, infographics, videos and more. The content library includes topics such as umbrella insurance, home childcare, the sharing economy, holidays and more. You can easily download and share content directly with consumers via your agency’s newsletters, website, blogs and social media.

As you assemble your arsenal of consumer content from the Trusted Choice Content-To-Share library, explore other tools, training modules and ready-made advertising materials to help market and develop your agency brand.

Katie Butler is IA editor in chief.

Claim Yours on Claim It

The fastest way to go from new lead to client is right in your pocket.

TrustedChoice.com has harnessed the power of its digital marketing platform to build Claim It—a new Advantage Pro feature that gives hungry producers access to a new lead marketplace where they can “claim” exclusive leads at a discount for the exact business they like to write.

With Claim It, users can:

  • Gain access to discounted, exclusive leads at scale to build new business opportunities faster.
  • Claim only the leads that match their appetite, both for personal lines and commercial lines products.
  • Move at the speed of their prospect, with real-time referral alerts to email or mobile phone.

Advantage Pro with Claim It is the fastest way to access high-intent insurance consumer leads that enable agents to easily scale and optimize their new relationship pipeline. To learn more, contact TrustedChoice.com at 855-372-0075.  —K.B.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Sales & Marketing