Even without a formal SEO plan, every marketer should consider a few key points to help firm up ranking results for the agency website.
Is your agency’s website just sitting there? Or is it working hard to be found?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the deliberate process of trying to maximize a website’s visibility when someone types a word or phrase into Google or another search engine. If you have the resources available, a Web development agency is your best bet to help with this process. But even without a formal SEO plan, every marketer should consider a few key points to help firm up ranking results for the agency website.
Include links. Connect your agency’s website to your social media accounts, business partners, industry resources and other experts. Think of each link as a spider web that branches out into cyberspace, increasing connectivity and visibility on the way.
Be specific. Instead of “Click Here,” which is incredibly generic, use more exact wording in the anchor text of a link. A hyperlink inserted over the phrase “St. Louis insurance agency” will make Google pay much more attention than one inserted over a vaguer phrase like “agency”—or worse, a URL spelled out letter by letter.
Add keywords. On every page, deliberately include words that are relevant to your agency and its services. Remember it’s important to choose words customers might use—such as “boat insurance” instead of “marine insurance.”
Want to jumpstart your brainstorming sessions? Search “insurance keywords” to see lists that others have created. No need to start with a completely blank slate.
Refresh content. Keeping your information fresh adds relevance. Busy sites are more attractive to search engines.
Improve usability. This should go without saying. If your website is difficult for visitors to navigate, they won’t come back. Intuitive, user-friendly websites rank higher.
Beyond the obvious benefit of helping people find you online, improving your search engine rankings is actually an important risk management tool as well. Why? Because the Internet is a numbers game.
If you have a static website and little else—no social media, no blog, no active updates—you’ve failed to create your own rich library of content. If just one disgruntled customer’s story goes viral, you could lose ownership of your messaging.
The story with the most hits ranks highest. Make sure that story is yours.
Rick Morgan is a senior vice president at Aartrijk, an insurance and financial services branding firm.